Another benchmark of the upcoming Ryzen 3000 processors has emerged. This time it’s about the Ryzen 7 3800X competing against the i9-9900K.
AMD finally closes the gap to Intel
After the launch of the Ryzen processors, the upcoming Ryzen 3000 processors will probably be the next big thing for AMD. The processors still come on the AM4 platform, but in the largest version they have 16 cores. The processors, which are more focussed on the mainstream, continue to come with six, eight or from now on up to 12 cores. A new processor structure with central management die and 7nm chiplets makes the numerous cores on the same platform possible. According to AMD, there are also improvements such as up to 15 percent more IPC, which are expected to have a major impact on performance.
Before the launch of the processors on the 7th of July more and more details about the actual performance are revealed. These show quite unanimously that AMD has finally succeeded in catching up with Intel. The company is transforming itself from an underdog into a serious competitor that can offer not only the same but also a better performance.
Ryzen 7 3800X on par with Intel Core i9-9900K
Underpinning this is now another leaked benchmark of the Ryzen 7 3800X. The entry is again from the Geekbench database and shows some exciting anomalies. Once again, AMD’s developer platform Myrtle served as the basis. However, the RAM clock of 1.065 MHz (equivalent to DDR4-2133) was significantly lower than in previous tests. Since Ryzen benefits enormously from a high RAM clock, the result is slightly falsified. The processor achieves 5,406 points in the single-core score and 34,059 points in the multi-core score. Comparing this with an Intel Core i9-9900K with DDR4-2666 RAM, the Ryzen 7 3800X is clearly inferior, at least in terms of single core performance. The i9-9900K achieves 6,189 points in the single core and 34,249 points in the multicore.
But it looks different if you compare the result with a test of the i9-9900K with the same RAM. The i9-9900K achieves 5,465 points in the single and 25,311 points in the multicore test. Here, the Ryzen 7 3800X is only slightly inferior in the single core, while in the multicore it clearly outperforms its competitors. However, the geekbench benchmark does not give too much information about real performance. What the figures will look like in concrete terms has to be shown by first independent tests.
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